2012년 3월 31일 토요일

백트랙 Backtrack5 R1 에서 R2 로 업그레이드

Upgrade BackTrack 5 R1 to the new R2

If you are anything like me, you hate to wait for things and here’s a time you can get the information before the release.  BackTrack R2 will be released on March 1st 2012, but there are directions to make all the upgrades today, all you need to do is follow the directions below, and you’ll get the newest kernel, security updates and tools today.
1. Update and upgrade your BackTrack  R1 installation.  Open Terminal and type : 
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install beef
Now we have the newest kernel installed as well as any last updates we have for the official R2 release. You need to reboot to have the 3.2.6 kernel kick in.
2. Now you can install all of the new tools featured in BackTrack 5 R2:
apt-get install pipal findmyhash metasploit joomscan hashcat-gui golismero easy-creds pyrit sqlsus vega libhijack tlssled hash-identifier wol-e dirb reaver wce sslyze magictree nipper-ng rec-studio hotpatch xspy arduino rebind horst watobo patator thc-ssl-dos redfang findmyhash killerbee goofile bt-audit bluelog extundelete se-toolkit casefile sucrack dpscan dnschef 
3. Now we need to add the new security updates repository to /etc/apt/sources.list, and run another upgrade  In Terminal type.
echo ”deb http://updates.repository.backtrack-linux.org revolution main microverse non-free testing” >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
During this time around updating you’ll be asked what you want to do about the file revision updates. As it ask you what you want to do, just accept all the default settings, and when it asks about grub, keep the local file.
4. Now most people who use the BackTrack software like to keep services in the stopped position unless they are currently using them, so you’ll want to stop some of the newly installed services from auto-starting, in Terminal:
/etc/init.d/apache2 stop
/etc/init.d/cups stop
/etc/init.d/winbind stop
update-rc.d -f cups remove
update-rc.d -f apache2 remove
update-rc.d -f winbind remove
That’s it now you have the newest BackTrack kernel, software and security updates.  All this 6 days before the software is officially released on the site on March 1st.  Hope this was a help to you.

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백트랙 Backtrack 5 R1 에서 R2 로 업그레이드 됐다.
작성한 문서는 R1 에서 R2 로 업그레이드 하는 방법으로, 새로 설치하지 않아도 업그레이드 작업을 해준다.
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